"Brother Lei Haoge"

As soon as Yang Xun came to our side, Gu Zhengfan immediately came over. He looked at us with eyes and said to Yang Xun with joy, "Congratulations on winning the singles championship. This is a gift for you. I hope your hand." Gu Zhengfan took out a hardcover blue box from his pocket and…

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He has been hanging out in the army since he was a child, and he is already familiar with the dirty words here, but most of the time he needs to take care of his identity and be patient.

At this time, with Mangui, Wu Sangui actually put some meaning. Mangui naturally has no idea to ignore Wu Sangui's small thoughts at this time, but Wu Sangui is so deliberately ingratiating and has no problem with those dogs who would rather keep the door open. Mangui's temper is very good for him, and he…

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This is a problem.

Zhang Lan took one look at frigga's silence and looked around for a glove face. That's a pair of gloves taken from Thanos! Even with Thanos a trace of blood! Thought of a possibility. Zhang Lan thinks If you can get this limited glove, then ———————————— ———————————— It's 110 thousand words. Hey, isn't everyone coming…

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Our town suppressed the vicious old forces, but what happened? I have read a sentence called’ can’t a monk touch me?’ I can’t touch any monks in this new society! I believe many people can understand this way. "

Many people have an oriental education background, and naturally they can understand the phrase "Monk Touched", but some people are not white, so they ask each other one after another, and some people make small explanations. Hua Zhen stopped for a few seconds before going on to say, "For example, I just talked about education…

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Lu Chen nodded and didn’t stop the unsealing journey. There are also strong monsters in the Sakyamuni seal, and the Emperor Wudi Palace wants him to be strong enough so that he won’t dare to mess again.

He went to a star field again, and this time he unsealed two creatures, a silver snake and a hundred-legged worm. These are two big killers who made moves as soon as they got out of trouble. As a result, when they were glanced at by Lu Chen, they trembled and were crushed, and they…

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"He wants to break the sky to deal with tornadoes!" Looking at the figure without a trace of movement, Zhang Chongxuan, the equal king, already knows that Zhang Chongxuan intends to keep Zhang Chongxuan still, so the power of attacking the whole conan the destroyer will be reduced by 60% when he loses the ground, and Zhang Chongxuan will succeed in his wishful thinking and reach out and grasp it. An iron net has already appeared in his hand.

This iron net has a slap in the face, and all its wire parts are very hot. It is the equal king, Abishura. The equal king is in charge of Fengdu City, and the iron net, Abishura Hell, has another 16 small prisons. Anyone who kills, sets fire and beheads the Dharma will find his…

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